Learn about our milestones, landmark cases, and dedication to achieving outstanding results for clients in California employment law.
Aviation Industry Worker –
Meal and Rest Breaks
Meal and Rest Breaks

The skies may be friendly, but the workplace wasn't for aviation service workers at a bustling metropolitan airport. Frontier Law Center championed the cause of a line technician who was denied his lawful meal and rest breaks by an aviation services provider. In a decisive arbitration victory, we secured full relief for our client, including premium pay for each missed meal and rest period, waiting time penalties, wage statement penalties, and unpaid overtime wages.
Senior Living Facility Operator – Wage and Hour Dispute

In a significant case involving a major operator of senior living facilities throughout North America, Frontier Law Center stepped in to address systemic wage and hour violations. Representing a group of over 6,400 employees, the firm tackled issues related to improper meal and rest break premium pay, overtime discrepancies, and non-compliant rest break policies.
Restaurant Workers – Breaks
Service industry workers are entitled to fair wages and a safe and professional work environment. At Frontier Law Center, we successfully represented a group of approximately 7,500 employees in a representative action against a large restaurant chain. We were able to recover penalties for failure to provide employeeswith meal and rest breaks and failure to reimburse employees for work expenses.
Entertainment Industry Executive – Religious Accommodation Dispute

A distinguished entertainment industry entity, known for its television production services, faced allegations of religious discrimination after denying a religious exemption from a mandatory vaccine policy to one of its executive directors. The executive, who had dedicated over a quarter-century to the company, was compelled to leave her position prematurely. Frontier Law Center adeptly represented the executive, who had a deeply rooted religious conviction against the vaccine, in a dispute that highlighted the importance of religious freedom in the workplace.
Industrial Steel Workers –
Class Action
Class Action

An industrial manufacturing company became the subject of a class action lawsuit involving a significant number of industrial steel workers. The class action addressed allegations of the company's failure to comply with California wage and hour laws. The case was led by a former welder employed by the company, alleging improper wage calculations due to a rounding policy, non-compliant meal and rest periods, overtime paid at the wrong rates, and inadequate reimbursement for necessary job-related expenses.
Health Care Industry Workers
Our front-line heroes regularly put their health and safety on the line, and their hardwork should be fairly compensated. They are the last people you want to see taken advantage of on the job, which is why we fought so tirelessly for the rights of a classof approximately 450 healthcare industry employees who were being denied propermeal and rest breaks.
Fast Food Workers – Class Action

A prominent fast food franchise was embroiled in a class action lawsuit led by a former restaurant employee, alleging sick pay not being paid at the correct rate, missed meal and rest breaks, off-the-clock work, and inaccurate wage statements. Frontier Law Center, advocating for the rights of these workers, achieving a significant settlement.
Retail Cashiers – Representative Action

Frontier Law Center successfully represented a group of retail employees from a nationally recognized beauty supply chain in a Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) representative action. The case centered on the employer's failure to provide suitable seating for cashiers and other retail workers as mandated by California's Wage Orders.
Gig Economy Employees
More and more people are making a living piecing together various freelance short-term jobs in the gig economy. This has left millions of workers unsure of their rights and at the mercy of employers who may end up exploiting them. Frontier Law Center successfully advocated against a gig-economy company, representing a group of approximately 1,400 workers who were classified incorrectly as independent contractors.
Outside Sales Executive – Disability Discrimination

Frontier Law Center achieved a notable settlement for a dedicated sales executive who faced disability discrimination and wrongful termination from a leading telecom company. After over 16 years of commendable service, the executive suffered a medical condition exacerbated by workplace stress. Despite his request for reasonable accommodations, the company failed to engage in the interactive process and instead terminated his employment.
Senior AI Engineer – Disability Discrimination
A significant settlement was secured by Frontier Law Center for a senior engineer with a specialization in artificial intelligence, who experienced disability discrimination and wrongful termination by a major digital media technology company. The engineer, holding a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence, was let go while on approved medical leave for a mental health condition. Despite the engineer's high qualifications and the employer's awareness of the disability, the necessary accommodations were not made.

Hotel Industry - Tip Theft
Under California law, an employer cannot take any part of a tip that’s left for an employee – but that doesn’t mean they won’t try. Frontier Law Center brought a class action against an international hotel chain which characterized tips as “servicecharges”. The settlement, which involved 89 spa employees, helped to recover tips which the employees were forced to turn over to the company.

Retail Employees – Representative Action

Frontier Law Center successfully negotiated a significant settlement for retail employees against a national telecommunications retailer. The case addressed the company's widespread failure to provide suitable seating for employees. The settlement not only compensated the aggrieved employees but also prompted the retailer to revise its seating policies, ensuring compliance with state labor regulations and improving working conditions for its staff.
Security Personnel – Wage and Hour Class Action

Frontier Law Center effectively resolved a complex wage and hour class action, securing a $600,000 settlement for security personnel employed by a Southern California security services provider. The addressed allegations of meal and rest break violations, unpaid minimum and overtime wages, failure to reimburse work-related expenses, wage statement penalties, and waiting time penalties. This settlement represents a significant victory for the security guards, ensuring they received the compensation they were rightfully due.

Temporary Service Employees
At Frontier Law Center, we know how employers work around wage and hour laws inorder to avoid timely compensation for their employees. In this representative action, we represented a group of over 4,000 temporary service employees against an event staffing and crowd control company for the company’s failure to pay wages on a timely basis.
Security Guards – Wages

Security guards risk life and limb to ensure the safety of others – so Frontier Law Center went to bat for their rights. In a class action lawsuit involving approximately 5,000 security guards, we obtained a significant settlement against their employer, helping to recover unpaid meal and rest break premiums, unpaid wages and overtime, unpaid sick leave and vacation time, and unreimbursed work expenses.
Supervisor Sexual Harassment

Using a position of power to sexually harass and intimidate a subordinate knows no gender. Frontier Law Center reached a substantial settlement in this sexual harassment case involving a female supervisor who sent her male employee sexually explicit text messages and threatened to fire him if he complained to HR.
Unlawful Age Discrimination
We represented a group of over 250 carpenters in a suit against a construction company working on a multi-billion dollar construction project in Silicon Valley. In this representative action settlement, we were able to successfully recover penalties for off the clock work, including not being paid for time waiting at security checkpoints.
Health Care Industry Workers – Class Action
Our front-line heroes regularly put their health and safety on the line, and their hard work should be fairly compensated. They are the last people you want to see taken advantage of on the job, which is why we fought so tirelessly for the rights of a class of approximately 450 healthcare industry employees who were being denied proper meal and rest breaks.
Corporate Executive Assistant – Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment
Frontier Law Center reached a sizeable settlement in a case involving a corporate executive assistant who was subjected to sexual harassment and wrongful termination. The assistant, employed by a prominent medical supply company, faced a harrowing ordeal of quid pro quo sexual harassment and a hostile work environment orchestrated by the company's CEO. The settlement followed allegations of sexual battery, gender discrimination, and retaliation, which culminated in the wrongful termination of the assistant after she refused to comply with the CEO's sexual demands.
Disability Discrimination
When a hard-working employee was terminated because his congestive heart failure caused him to miss work, Frontier Law Center stepped in to protect his rights. California law prohibits discrimination against employees for their disabilities,and this company was met with a lawsuit for their illegal actions.
Security Guards – Wages

Security guards risk life and limb to ensure the safety of others – so Frontier Law Center went to bat for their rights. In a class action lawsuit involving approximately 5,000 security guards, we obtained a significant settlement against their employer, helping to recover unpaid meal and rest break premiums, unpaid wages and overtime, unpaid sick leave and vacation time, and unreimbursed work expenses.
Restaurant Workers – Breaks
Service industry workers are entitled to fair wages and a safe and professional work environment. At Frontier Law Center, we successfully represented a group of approximately 7,500 employees in a representative action against a large restaurant chain. We were able to recover penalties for failure to provide employees with meal and rest breaks and failure to reimburse employees for work expenses.
Supervisor Sexual Harassment
Using a position of power to sexually harass and intimidate a subordinate knows no gender. Frontier Law Center reached a substantial settlement in this sexual harassment case involving a female supervisor who sent her male employee sexually explicit text messages and threatened to fire him if he complained to HR.
Health Care Industry Workers
Our front-line heroes regularly put their health and safety on the line, and their hard work should be fairly compensated. They are the last people you want to see taken advantage of on the job, which is why we fought so tirelessly for the rights of a class of approximately 450 healthcare industry employees who were being denied proper meal and rest breaks.
Off-Duty Police Officers

Officers of the law frequently take security work when off-duty, but no matter where they are working, they are entitled to the same rights and benefits of the citizens they work so hard to protect. Frontier Law Center represented a class of 85 off-duty police officers working as university security in a case alleging underpayment of wages and failure to provide other rights under the California Labor Code.
Gig Economy Employees
More and more people are making a living piecing together various freelance short-term jobs in the gig economy. This has left millions of workers unsure of their rights and at the mercy of employers who may end up exploiting them. Frontier Law Center successfully advocated against a gig-economy company, representing a group of approximately 1,400 workers who were classified incorrectly as independent contractors.
Pregnancy Discrimination
In California, employees are protected from pregnancy discrimination by both state and federal laws. We litigated a case against a large veterinary hospital, successfully reaching a settlement for a plaintiff who alleged her employer did not accommodate her for pregnancy-related disabilities and ultimately fired her for being pregnant.

Hotel Industry - Tip Theft
Under California law, an employer cannot take any part of a tip that’s left for an employee – but that doesn’t mean they won’t try. Frontier Law Center brought a class action against an international hotel chain which characterized tips as “service charges”. The settlement, which involved 89 spa employees, helped to recover tips which the employees were forced to turn over to the company.

Quid Pro Quo Harassment
Sexual harassment is still a problem for far too many people in the workplace. We recently successfully advocated for an employee of a national medical equipment supplier who was being forced by the CEO of the company to engage in sexual acts in order to keep her job.

Temporary Service Employees
At Frontier Law Center, we know how employers work around wage and hour laws in order to avoid timely compensation for their employees. In this representative action, we represented a group of over 4,000 temporary service employees against an event staffing and crowd control company for the company’s failure to pay wages on a timely basis.
Bay Area Construction Workers
Sexual harassment is still a problem for far too many people in the workplace. We recently successfully advocated for an employee of a national medical equipment supplier who was being forced by the CEO of the company to engage in sexual acts in order to keep her job.
Unlawful Age Discrimination
We represented a group of over 250 carpenters in a suit against a construction company working on a multi-billion dollar construction project in Silicon Valley. In this representative action settlement, we were able to successfully recover penalties for off the clock work, including not being paid for time waiting at security checkpoints.
Beauty Chain Makeup Artists
Frontier Law Center challenged a major national beauty chain in a class action lawsuit alleging it misclassified over 600 freelance makeup artists as independent contractors. In the settlement, we successfully recovered wages and penalties for various Labor Code violations.
Disability Discrimination
When a hard-working employee was terminated because his congestive heart failure caused him to miss work, Frontier Law Center stepped in to protect his rights. California law prohibits discrimination against employees for their disabilities and this company was met with a lawsuit for their illegal actions.
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